Thursday 3 October 2024

Wherever You Go by Sunil Gangopadhyay (Tumi Jekhanei Jao)

 Wherever You Go

                            Sunil Gangopadhyay 

Wherever you go

I am with you

Did you not hear the breathing?

Like cranes fly in the air

Stars transform their places in moon light

Being a tourist you went to Karshiyang

Did you not hear the other sound of feet?

Who removed the lock of hairs on a side of your cheek with a blow?


You are brave

You keep open your all windows

You hold a comb before a mirror in midnight

The way Botticelli had painted the night-gown worn portrait.

I see your slender figure behind the darkness of louver  

The indifferent writings of lips

Slight ups and downs of bosom

Not a begger, nor a thief or ghost

I stay with you like guard all night

When I see you, more than see you,

When I do not see you.


The way withered garlands say that who came

Sparrows know

For whom I have been waiting for

Cardamom seeds know

Whose lips are to be scented

You are busy, you are alone, you like hidings of inner side

I scream like a monk

Give a sight of you, give a sight of you

Afterwards I wipe my eyes

I say smilingly

Wherever you go, I am with you. 

Translated by Suman Das

Original poem Tumi Jekhanei Jao by Sunil Gangopadhyay 

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Proletariat Unbeliever ( Sarbahara Obiswasi) সর্বহারা অবিশ্বাসী by Sunil Gangopadhyay

 Proletariat Unbeliever 

                                    Sunil Gangopadhyay 

The poem tells about the superstitious psychology of people which is totally opposite the development of science in twentieth century. People are not devoid of superstition, religion, rituals that he sings in his poetry. Once they cut jokes on all these topics in past days with his friends, but as the age increases human mind becomes subjected to those things which somehow are circulating around us, our home, neighbourhood are creating a number of beliefs. Side by side, poet cites how people are influenced by the negativity of all these that they being unconscious go to kill people. So all they are believer of specific belief which actually cause harms to others and the poet urges to unite all the unbelievers who are devoid of belief  and thus they are proletariat. 

My intimate friend’s wife, came in pretty much dressed

But will not be taking food with us,

Today is her Neel Shasthi

In prime years many jokes were made by us 

But now a slender smile

It is forbidden to hurt on somebody’s belief

And another friend, who descended me in politics

I see in his finger a gem adorned ring

Watching my frowned brows he said in weak voice

Body is not feeling well

So mother-in-law advised me to wear it, moonstone

After all no can be said

It seems to me it is my own defeat.


I go to the home of revered professor to listen to the acquaintances

Many a things yet to be learned

Today in first saw behind his door, Ganesha Idol is glued to it.

I did not question, he himself said,

Son brought it from South India, isn’t a finesse of design?

Why is the beautiful idol above the head of door, not  in show-case? 

I did not say a word about  it, do not have I the age of gossiping

Much age has been increased so getting failed,

Continuously getting defeated

Forbidden to hurt somebody’s belief,

Forbidden to hurt somebody’s belief

So much belief around, day by day increasing many beliefs

That  saffron coloured followers decided,

Somebody else’s religion following children’s blood to be flown in the soil,

Dogs lick it

It is also his firm resolution

That flag-bearer believes, if girls sing song,

Throats to be cut,

If wanting to play Tenis, must be worn burqa

It is also his firm resolution

Whoever binding bombs in bellies running towards destruction

Whoever pumping muscles, laughing a grin

Wanting to oppress the whole world

They are all the groups of believers

All are believers, believers, believers... 


Desiring to say in broken voice one to more times

Wake up the group of unbelievers

Be united the proletariates of the world! 

Neel Sasthi- is a festive observed by Hindu Bengalis in Choitra month in which ladies take part to be blessed with boon, getting offspring or for the welfare of offspring, from Lord Shiva. 

Translated by Suman Das

Original Poem Sarbahara Obiswasi by Sunil gangopadhyay 

Review and Criticism are acceptable. 

Thanking you for reading. 

Monday 30 September 2024

Jonmo Hoy Na, Mrityu Hoi Na ( Born is not, Death is not)

 Born is not, Death is not 

                                        Sunil Gangopadhyay 

There is no born of my love

There is no death

Because I am born with another kind of loving jewellery in my body

Nobody gave my name, with three to four pen name my outing in the earth

Watching fire deemed it light, my hand burns in light

Watching people in darkness deemed to be easy

And remained in the whirl of illusion of darkness.

Somebody bestows me with title,

Somebody keeps thousands fie in the two eyes

Still my born-shield is love and loved it

I do not get frightened,

There is no born of my love, no death. 

Translated from Bengali Poetry "Jonmo Hoy Na, Mrityu Hoi Na" by Sunil Gangopadhyay

Translated by Suman Das 

Thank You for reading 

Reviews and criticisms are always acceptable. 

Ghum Vangar Por ( After Waking up from Sleep)

 After Waking up from Sleep 

                                    Sunil Gangopadhyay 

A famous persona in Bengali literature, author and editor of Krittibas magazine, born in Bangladesh and grew up in Kolkata, composed this poetry "Ghum Vangar Por" deciphers the freshness of tomorrow shunning off the past hazards of life. 

After waking up from sleep my mind feels good.

A turmeric and oil mixed morning,

Like the sounds of rain in the water of fountain

Somebody is laughing in the front, hanging-veranda

Like the sun of Winter.


Something is ruining, something is decaying

Whose finger is on the page of book, right now move to another page.

Music of immersion is coming from the horizon

After waking up from the sleep my mind feels good. 

Translated by Suman Das

Original Poem- Ghum Vangar Por 

Written by Sunil Gangopadhyay 

Saturday 28 September 2024

A charming poem of Love, Flattery and Flirt

 Flattery and flirt are the source of love and love-affair and sometimes it harshly directs the love. Many ways can be taken for falling in love, but when we meet strangers or known persons we feel nervous how to talk properly with the person, how to win the mind of opposite person, so hence it can improve the way to progress the journey of love. Enjoy the poem. Reviews and criticisms are acceptable. 

Flattery and flirt shake like flower
Every months of year
Someone hides
Someone houses

The fragrance of rustic parish holds
The miniatures of big tree
Large, small keep the difference
Microscope gives a discover

An undiscovered man discovers discovered woman
As germination sprouts from seed
Unrecognized faces make small
Though the greatest capacity it has.

Written by Mr Das

Friday 27 September 2024

English Translation of Keu Kotha Rakheni by Sunil gangopadhyay

Nobody Kept Words 

                                - Sunil Gangopadhyay 

It is an epoch-making poetry written by eminent poet Sunil Ganopadhyay who composed several volumes of poetry and prose in Bengali literature. The original name of this poem is Keu Kotha Rakheni, which I dared to render it in English language. Review and criticism are acceptable for this rendering version. 

Nobody kept words, thirty three years spent, nobody kept words

In childhood a Bostumi suddenly pausing her arrival song, said

She would come and sing the last part of it on the day of twelfth moon

But many moon and dark nights came and gone

Yet that Bostumi did not return

I had been waiting for twenty five years.


Nader Ali, the fisher man of my maternal uncle’s house had said, ”Grow up, Dadathakur”

I will take you to the lake of three tides

Where snake and bees play on the head of lotus

Nader Ali, how much grown I be?

My head is already pierced the roof of this room to touch the sky

Then you will take me to?


I had never bought any royal candy

The children of Laskar house had sucked up the sticked-candies showing us

I had seen the Rasa festival standing outside the gate like a begger

In the midst of many known colours golden bracelets worn fair girls had laughed in amusements

But never they looked back my way!

Father once touching my shoulder said, see,

One day we will also..

Now father is blind, nothing was seen by us

That royal candy, that sticked-candy, that Rasa festival

Nobody will return me those!


Resting a scented handkerchief on the chest Baruna had said

The day you love me truly

That day my chest also be filled with fragrance like attar

For love I held my life in the fist of hand

Waving red cloth in the eyes of running bull

Scouring the materialistic world I found one hundred eight Blue lotuses

Baruna, yet, did not keep her words,

Her chest, now, scents like flesh

Still she is any woman

Nobody kept words, thirty three years spent, nobody keep words.   

*Bostumi - a female vaishnabite or devotee or follower of vishnu. It is a community of Vaishnab followers. They go for alms door to door singing many devotional song. 
* Dadathakur - an affectionate addressing towards kids. 
* Blue Lotus - a sacred flower of Hindu religion. Lord Ram used it. 

Translated by Suman Das 
Original Poem- Keu Kotha Rakheni