Tuesday 31 March 2020

"On Love"


I know this is her hair
She dresses her hair this way

I know it is she
Sitting before me in bus

When she used to sit in lap

I can tell how her eyes look like
I can tell how her skin feels like
I can tell what is stopping herself

The beauty behind her skin
Has become morphine

I know she would be good wife.


She is concealing herself
From my age, love, and poverty

Like a snail coiling her sensitivities
From all the stimulating world

A cartoon's character and
Loves her pet

She has turned a big girl
And belly like earth
Tomorrow the second monsoon
She to be given birth.


I cannot kiss you
Not on lips, forehead, hands

Excuse me
Please keep distance from me

I can be proved dangerous for you
Real this world once proved our view

Nobody is going to live like God
Still you have to be lord

We must be resisted by a glass
And cage myself in memory of flash.

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